Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank you for checking in with us along our journey.  This blog has been very fun to write and share with you.  We hope our travel inspires your own. 

54 days
20 posts
19 beds
8 countries
5 laundry

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Berlin, Fantastich

We made it to our final destination: Amsterdam!  But we loved biking through all that Berlin has to offer; here are some photos from our explorations.  Urban life suits us swell, and the futuristic Sony Center cinema was the perfect place for us to catch Brüno.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh Malmö

Hi from Malmö, a Swedish city with a lot of history but also innovative architecture. Santiago Calatravas designed a crazy twisted tower for their waterfront. It was beautiful Swedish Summer weather, meaning it was like beautiful New York Fall days.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Roskilde Part 2

Roskilde Music Festival, and Denmark by extension, is a summer camp for adults.  With only a few weeks of good weather a year, the Danes celebrate 20 hours of sun a day by not sleeping, eating delicious food and drinking copious amounts of Tuborg beer.  The festival line up was tops - we enjoyed The Fleet Foxes and The Whitest Boy Alive especially, as well as Kanye West, Coldplay, and Fever Ray.  We lived in an orange tent, made friends with our Swedish neighbors, swam in a dirty pond, and rode an eco-friendly, bicycle-powered ferris wheel.  The atmosphere was at once tranquil and hectic.  There was a surprising mixture of people young and old, dirty and clean(er) but overall we were impressed with how well organized everything seemed to be: recycling centers, storage lockers, hot showers, bountiful food options and even vintage shopping.

...Still, we were grateful for Bonnie's Charmin and Wet Wipes.

Roskilde Music Festival

I Have a Kroner!

We're back in Copenhagen, cleaning our clothes from the sweaty, dirty, fun at Roskilde Music Festival and hoping America enjoyed the Fourth of July!!!  The city is fascinating: cool outfits, haircuts, and light fixtures everywhere.  But we particularly love the way Danes appreciate cycling!  City Bikes (distinguishable with the filled-in wheels) are available to borrow for 20 Kroners, which you get back when you return the bike, except everyone else is avid about them too, so we rented ours.  Bikers have rules the same way cars do and there are these huge bicycle parking lots outside the shopping centers!  It's really an efficient and exciting way to see the city (that's me by the Opera House, and Jonathan in the FÆlledparken).

Monday, June 29, 2009